What would superheroines be without powers? Here are the angel's magical attacks.
Wedding Beautiful Flower! - She says this to transform into her wedding dress.
Oironaoshi, Angel Amour Peach! - She says this to change into her battle armor. (Oironaoshi means "Change clothes". Oh, and Amour is "Love" in french.)
Saint Mirroir Bridal Flash! - Using her Saint Mirroir, she blasts the baddies.
Saint Operation Tempete! - She says this to rid the possessed humans of evil. (Note: Tempete is storm in french.)
Wedding Graceful Flower! - She says this to transform into her wedding dress.
Oironaoshi, Angel Precious Lily! - She says this to change into her battle armor. (Oironaoshi means "Change clothes".)
Saint Lipliner Lilly Rainbow! - Using her Saint Lipliner, she attacks the devils.
Wedding Attractive Flower! - She says this to transform into her wedding dress.
Oironaoshi, Angel Courage Daisy! - She says this to change into her battle armor. (Oironaoshi means "Change clothes".)
Saint Pendule Daisy Blizzard! Using her Saint Pendule, she whoops the bad guy's arses. (Hey, I'm running out of interesting things to say...)
Wedding Excellent Flower! - She says this to transform into her wedding dress.
Oironaoshi, Angel Passionate Salvia! - She says this to change into her battle armor. (Oironaoshi means "Change clothes".)
Saint Pure Sword! - She says this to..um..well, attack. I'm sure you get the idea now.