Wedding Peach Links
So you want outta here? Okay! Here are a few places you can go.
- Wedding Peach - Hitoshi Doi's Wedding Peach page. For general series info, and some episode summaries, I suggest you go here.
- The TechnoGirls Wedding Peach Page - This loads slowly, but it's got some interesting info to read (and info on subtitled Wedding Peach videos!)
- Momoko's Jewlery Box - A creatively laid-out page.
- Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach - This is a lovely site. Nice layout, great info.
- The Big Kiss Page - Ever hear of KiSS Paperdolls? Well, you have now. Head on over hear to download hundreds of cute paperdolls to play with! They've even got Wedding Peach dolls, too.
- The Anime Web Turnpike - An absolutely gigantic list of links to anime pages. If it's an anime, chances are you'll find something about it here.
- The Ultimate Animanga Archive - Big ol' honkin' image gallery of all sorts of anime and manga art.
- Otakuworld - This place ROCKS! You can download anime desktop themes, anime computer toys, get's just NICE.
- Pam's Page of Sailormoonieness! - Heh, this is my Sailor Moon page...I'd be eternally grateful if you'd visit!
Changed your mind? Okay, return home.